Todos Anuncios > Vehículos > Motos ▫️▫️ Todos Localizaciones > Heredia > San Rafael
▫️ Anuncio 675564 ▫️ Publicado: Feb 25 ▫️

Mercedes W123 sedan bumpers (1976–1986)

Mercedes W123 sedan bumpers (1976–1986) A set of A front bumper, a rear bumper, rubber trims for front and rear, bolts and screw. The product has shape and size like the original samples. So, They perfect fit on the car. Products are made of 304 stainless steel imported from Japan and India, especially with a chrome content higher than 30%, so they never rust, do not corrode or peel over time. Polished product – with a perfect shine (like chrome). This is the perfect replacement. Please visit the link: If you need all parts for any classic car, please contact me. Web: Email: Fanpage: WhatsApp: +84 81 284 2228

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